Wednesday 15 June 2011


And so today I sat the second philosophy paper, considerably more prepared for it than the first one. It went well. The question was on Merold Westphal's text about Hume, Kant and Hegel and the fact that religion was being talked about far more than God itself in philosophical discussion.

I managed to talk about the 'opiate of the people' view on the Hindu caste system - the fact that people are born into their caste (or class, pretty much) and they must do the duty that they were born to do without question, or else suffer the consequences - an accumulation of bad karma which will follow them on into the next life. This, of course, leaves the Brahmins (priests) at the top of the tree to remain there comfortably as they were born to be there. Fair?

I also talked about the implications of separating religious practice from the concept of God itself, thus making all religious practice futile and irrelevant. What a wonderful concept... think of the wars, the HOLY WARS, which would never have happened. Think of the bombs which would have never been dropped, the children never being torn from the arms of their mothers, people forced to either fight or die... all for something written in a badly translated ancient book! People being happy, free, with the right and the fearlessness to be able to make up their own minds and allow others to do the same.

I do not hate religious people. I disagree with them, but I do not hate them - I love them and everyone else and support their right to believe and do what they feel is right, just as I am doing.
What I hate is the fact that people are KILLED - their beautiful and potential flowing lives are STOLEN away from them....

Just because they read a different book.

Think... is that what your God would really want?

So from this day on to prove my point perhaps I should kill anyone who reads the Lord of the Rings instead of Harry Potter. It makes more sense anyway - I have seen Harry Potter, I know what he looks like. But I have never, ever seen the thing that these evil people call GOD.



  1. Interesting views amiga. Many of them resonate with myself. It is indeed difficult to reconcile your own belief that there is a place for everyone in this world when different factions of humanity would do harm to or eliminate each another entirely! Belief systems that we're told help their disciples and devotees to lead a wholesome virtuous life whilst at the same time suppressing any rational thought and rejecting any criticism and honest debate.

    Not everyone can appreciate and marvel at our insignificance. Many of us require a purpose ordained upon us by some higher divine power that we will never understand, should rarely (if ever) question and behind "whom" we should follow as we are instructed by those who claim to do "their" bidding. But for billions, this gives comfort. Perhaps it should be a personal and private infatuation that is best shared only with otherembers of the cult club. Please don't project it on the rest of us - we'd rather get on with living our insignificant beautiful lives appreciating just how bloody lucky we are.

  2. *other members - curse my clumsy overweight thumbs!
