Sunday 16 October 2011

The Apology (PART ONE)

"a guy with ego problems running around with a megaphone pissing off police and upsetting the public"

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Charlie Veitch says sorry!

So I logged into YouTube today to find a faded, diminished looking Charlie Veitch begging for the forgiveness of you, of me, of we, the people. The beard is gone, and so have those damned sunglasses and silly Guevara-esque jacket - I could never take him seriously when he got to the stage of trying to look like a Cuban revolutionary.

After spending 30-50 hours (extent of exaggeration dependant on which stage of the video you're watching) in solitary confinement, we finally hear something from the mouth of the sorry and the somewhat degraded looking man. He seems so tired. In what appears to be his trademark effort to avoid conciseness at all costs, he begins his 18 minute long apology, directed mainly at the people who loved, respected and listened to him (this includes myself) during the existence of his collaboration with Danny Shine and the rest of humankind known as the Love Police. 

Is he sincere? I would say, closely watching him, that it's at least easy to see he is unhappy. Is this because he's genuinely sorry or just sorry because now the lack of love, the loss of respect and the uprooting of his dignity is starting to set fast in his mind, leaving him feeling alone in the world, possibly more alone than he's ever felt before?

It's hard to satisfy these questions with a sure answer. On one hand, we know that this is a man who seems to flit like a ragged butterfly between lifestyles and ideals. Clearly, this is a man who hates to ever be in the middle. 
banker > Love Police > 'truther' hater > down and out
We could see this as the behaviour of a man who thrives off living on the edge, who, like a child on Christmas day, picks up a toy, plays with it for ten minutes then throws it away for another one. Or, we could see it as the behaviour of a man so insecure that the best defence mechanism is to grab the bull by the horns and live so extremely and so openly that hopefully he will appear strong and fearless. He might be a man who feels the need to attention seek, and if that's the case he's certainly achieved his goal. Maybe he just doesn't know who the hell he is or what he wants from life. You never know, he could just have bipolar.  

It is my intention to carry this on soon. I have to stop writing now as I'm really tired and my writing brain's stopped functioning as it should. So I'm gonna shut up before I say something too stupid.

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